This Visual Oral Switch-Light Guide™ (VOSLG) with aircraft systems is comprehensive in its coverage. It is a digital aircraft operating manual, illustrated in full “lights illuminated” colors. This software is designed to efficiently help you through an initial ground school. It is perfect for recurrent training, simulator preparation, and Type Ratings.
Each ERJ145 / EMB145 switch light guide includes dozens of cockpit photographs and system pop-ups!
Every essential system is covered. The data is compiled from many manufacturer and airline sources. As many options as are possible are included. All Differences Training is marked and detailed. The information is constantly updated, revised, and improved. It is a re-written cockpit pilot handbook using Information Mapping™ to readily explain all essential knowledge while simultaneously reinforcing the data. It is the fastest, easiest way to comprehend your aircraft.
We know what you need. We serve an international market of pilots in over 500 airlines (all the legacy and most regionals, etc.), governments, agencies and administrations including FAA, NASA, IATA, JAA, and corporations.
It is organized in the pattern of the typical FAA/JAA oral exam. We call it a Visual Oral Switch-Light Guide™. It presents the material in the same way the pilot must use his training to fly the aircraft: from the cockpit to the aircraft. But we also hyperlink all the related aspects – you may training from any direction: cockpit – schematics – diagrams – synoptics; all have the essential data replicated so you will always find everything easily. You can go anywhere in usually one or two clicks. But to see anything you only have to float your mouse near any item – it will automatically detect and display a pop-up explaining the functions of a switch or reasons a light illuminates.
They do not require any computer speed or memory.These electronic interactive CBT-style training aids operate on any computer OS.
You won’t be disappointed. We do not teach you anything you will have to unlearn later. Check out our Testimonials – pilots love our unique training presentations!
Hyperlinked contents explain ALL cockpit panels and systems. You can study from the cockpit to the system and in reverse.
Structure of Information (everything is hyperlinked to each other):
Quick Link Table of Contents
How to use your Keyboard – very simple: move your mouse near an item
Cockpit Areas
Systems Diagrams
Tech Support with Email Capability
Cockpit Areas:
Synoptics, Diagrams and Schematics:
We are always adding to our Free Downloads to include more Differences Summaries, Quick References for Embraer 145 Simulator and flying the line: Limitations/memory items and Oral Questions with ANSWERS, and so much more. Please share with us any information you think will help your fellow pilots.
Posted by Stephen Kennedy on 24th Apr 2017
Purchased the program to help with famaliarization of the cockpit set up. I work as a maintenance controller and it has helped tons!! Our systems course was quite cluttered and crammed so using the ERJ145 program as a refresher made and makes quite a difference in my daily duties. Thank you for pricing it in atan affordable level, it's worth a whole lot more than your asking.